Shamandome and its circle of shamanistas has a mission: to help restore humanity’s right relationship with the world through the universally ancestral connection to spirit known as shamanism. Our philosophy is that every person expresses this relationship to spirit in a unique way, whether through healing modalities, creative expression or compassionate service.
We are shamanic because we are living creatures. All the energies of Mother Earth resonate in us, through us, all the time. Shamanic practice opens circle and holds space for allowing those energies, along with all loving spirits, to heal us.
Our heart's desire is to be a catalyst for healing in those we serve as clients, each other, and ourselves.
Shamandome is based in New York City - there's info on joining our NY journey circle here.
The camp we manifest in Black Rock City is an exercise in karma yoga -- selfless action offered without regard for results or reward. It is our gift to the city, and to you.
If you're interested in joining Shamandome Camp for 2025, click here: How do I join Shamandome? or visit the Our Camp page by clicking the button below.